Vankuvato is a constructed dialect of the conlang Esperanto, this page is a glossary of the Vankuvato alphabet, pronounciations, and dictionary.
Vankuvato character Esperanto equivalent IPA Pronounciation
а a ə/ɐ about
я ja jə/jɐ yam
б b b bat
ч cx t͡ʃ charge
д d d down
е e ɛ yet
э je jɛ yes
ф f f fast
г g g gun
х h/hx h/x heart
и i i bee
ж j j yew
к k k car
л l l light
м m m mother
н n n man
нк/нг no equivalent ŋk/ŋg tongue
о o ɐ/ə far
п p p play
р r ɹ race
с s s fast
ш sx ʃ shown
т t t matt
у u u toon
ю ju ju universe
ь ux w tow
в v v van
з z z zebra
н will make an english ng sound if placed before a г or к.
- данкан! = da(ng)kan! хунд = hu(n)d
the vowels а and о have incredbly similar pronounciation if not the same depending on who your talking to as the o sound is on it's way out.
the consonant x can either make a (ipa) h or x sound depending on who your talking to.
Vankuvato follows Esperantos 16 rules with only a few minor exceptions. if you come across these in this section, the contradictory rules written here overwrite the original 16 rules.
writing не before a negative word is used to emphasize the negativity.
- ми нениам фарис тион // ми не нениам фарис тион = I never did that // I NEVER did that
word order is very freeform just like in Esperanto, though if the object of the sentence is not decribed you can assume the object is the closest noun after the verb.
- ла вир ирис ен лиан домон // ла вир ирис ен лиа дом = the man went into his house
using the present tence passive participle along with a noun ending on a place, region, culture, or nationality name indicates that the subject is of that heritage.
- юсонат = American
- чинат = Chinese
- ли яестас варсоват = he is from Warsaw
adjectives are formed with яа instead of а due to it being hard to tell the difference between o and a.
though words are typically pronounced as they are written, this is not always the case with vankuvato due to pronounciation differences from esperanto.
this typically takes the form of а, е, у being pronounced with a /j/ sound in front of them, or words with sounds that no longer exist in vankuvato like words who used to have the sounds ц, ж, дж having weird spellings
- не нениам = nye nyeniamm, not ne neniam - сции > стии pronounced /stsii/
Vankuvato is losing its future tense verb form due to the merger of o and a. The future tense is replaced with the present tense and the adverb посте (later) or the timeframe in which the present tense is pointing to
like ал уну хоро (in one hour) or моргаь (tomorrow)
-- will just list root + main stem and will create links to view all words which use said stem.
Казад/о = Cascadia
Ванкюв/о = Vancouver